The operational data for utilities covered by the data platform Utility Performance and Behavior in Africa Today (UPBEAT) were less widely available than the data on their financial operations or on ...
The methodical collection of data helps in monitoring performance of management, staff, and board. This means appropriate and supporting information systems must be available. This report provides the...
Over the 2016-2018 reporting period, Utility Performance and Behavior in Africa Today (UPBEAT) gathered data on utilities, both publicly and privately owned, in countries across the entire value chain...
For many utilities, the difference between the recovery of operating costs and the recovery of operating plus debt-service costs is small. This indicates that debt-service costs are relatively small...
Electric utilities are central to the energy development agenda of Sub-Saharan Africa, as expressed in Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7), which commits the international community to ensure access...
The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred unprecedented economic disruption globally. The full scope of the virus’s impact on human health and economic activity remains to be seen, but two things are clear:...
Robust corporate governance is vital if power utilities are to perform well (Irwin and Yamamoto 2004; Foster and Rana 2020). Corporate governance has internal and external dimensions. Aspects of internal ...
The level of performance of an electric utility is determined by the soundness of its financial situation, the efficiency of its technology, and the quality of service it provides customers. Its financial...
Electric utilities are central to the energy development agenda of Sub-Saharan Africa, as expressed in Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7), which commits the international community to ensure access...