The present paper is the first attempt to provide a new blueprint for proactivelyaddressing coal mining lands within a Just Transition framework. It arguesthat traditional approaches to mine land remediation...
This report analyzes the possible impact of future coal mine closures on coal sector workers as well as workers in other economic sectors linked to the coal value chain and the implications for local labor...
This report examines the potential use of auctions as a price discovery mechanism facilitating accelerated decommissioning of the global coal fleet. Despite widespread recognition of coal power’s significant...
Economic transition away from dependence on coal mining can be difficult and costly but can yield significant medium-term gains. As nations move away from coal production and coal-based energy generation...
Coal plants worldwide are grappling with low-capacity utilization levels and environmental issues; and have not only become unprofitable to utilities, but also uneconomical to customers. Developed countries...
Energy is a value chain in which the extraction of commodities such as fossil fuels is located at one end and the use of electricity at the other. Coal has been an integral part of the global energy system...
The widely shared objective of transition to cleaner energy and reduced dependence on coal presents tremendous challenges, not only to coal sector producers and workers, but because of the broader implications...
The widely shared objective of transition to cleaner energy and reduced dependence on coal presents tremendous challenges, not only to coal sector producers and workers, but because of the broader implications...