This report focuses on Wave 3 COVID-19 Business Pulse surveys conducted in August and September 2021 for Southern Africa. The survey was implemented by Redflank in cooperation with the World Bank and...
The Government of Lesotho (GoL) has included the Textile and Apparel (TA) among its list of key priority, due their impact in labour creation and envisioned to transform the economy and achieve higher...
This infographic focuses on Southern Africa's AgriTech Landscape.
The National Export Strategy focuses on three priority sectors with high potential for export growth – Horticulture, Textiles and Apparel, and Light Industry. For each of them, this report sets out strategic...
Agriculture has been prioritized by governments in Southern Africa, for the important role it plays in job creation and income generation in rural areas, as well as its importance for both food security...
The AgTech landscape is diverse only in South Africa (SA) with a narrower array of technologies in other in-scope countries. The regions AgTech ventures are mainly in SA and launched largely in Western...
COVID-19 shocks operate through many channels, but the magnitude and who is more affected is hard to predict. The COV-BPS survey measures the impact of shocks on firms’ sales and employment, their operations...
Thinkubate is an Incubator Accelerator-as-a-Platform (IAaaP) that covers the various components of starting and growing a business, including life stage assessments, an online learner management system...
Increasing Lesotho’s resilience amidst an increasingly negative global economic outlook is critical. The domestic private sector remains small and weak and private-sector led, export driven growth and...
Digital platforms have the potential to support the sustained creation of economic value and foster jobs and economic inclusion in South Africa. This assessment examines private digital platforms in South...
This report focuses to identify and connect a select group of startups to corporate innovation opportunities and potential investment opportunities in Southern Africa.
The youth unemployment problem has been exacerbated by COVID19 while entrepreneurial activity among young people remains very low. The objective of this report is to map South Africa’s national public...
The Business Pulse Surveys (BPS) is a global methodology to identify the impacts on firms of COVID through several channels. This survey was conducted in South Africa just after lifting severe restrictions...
This report conducts a scoping study to identify markets and investment opportunities for textiles and apparel (TA) in Lesotho as of November 2021.
This Annex presents the main components and projected investment per production unit that can generally be applied to different product categories. It also includes general concepts to better understand...
In alignment with a key priority for Lesotho, namely to support high-growth entrepreneurs and firms, the World Bank and the Lesotho Startup Network (LSN) are intent on improving the quality of business...
This report focuses on engagement that aims to build capacity for and support the development of best-practice monitoring and evaluation (M&E) processes and tools within South Africa’s Department of Small...
Countries successful in attracting private investments have a coherent investment policy supported by a well coordinated approach between multiple stakeholders. As such, the draft national investment policy...
Lesotho’s labor market is characterized by low job growth and high informality. Unemployment, inactivity, and poverty affect young Basotho deeply especially in rural areas. Youth unemployment is amongst...