Access to infrastructure support economic development through both capital accumulation and structural transformation. This paper investigates the links between investments in electricity, Internet, and...
This background paper systematically maps and assesses the connectivity of cities in the Horn of Africa (HoA) and uses the results to proposes a number of policy perspectives on how to strategically boost...
This background note analyzes the economic geography of the Horn of Africa using the framework of the 2009 Word Development Report. For the purpose of this report, the Horn of Africa (henceforth HoA) comprises...
This note provides an overview of labor markets and job outcomes in the Horn of Africa. This background note was prepared for the Horn of Africa Regional Economic Memorandum. It provides an overview of...
The objective of this Regional Economic Memorandum (REM) is to strengthen the economic analysis available to policymakers on the challenges and opportunities for regional economic integration to support...
This paper provides a review of existing literature on cross-border trade among the Horn of African countries Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia. It offers analysis on key traded products particularly...