Lebanon’s education system has faced severe disruptions since 2019, leading to significant learning losses. A recent pilot tested the Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) approach, which groups students...
Lebanon’s education system has faced severe disruptions since 2019, leading to significant learning losses. A recent pilot tested the Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) approach, which groups students...
Lebanon’s education system has faced severe disruptions since 2019, leading to significant learning losses. A recent pilot tested the Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) approach, which groups students...
Teachers are the most important school-based input to learning, and having a qualified, well-supported, and motivated workforce is essential for quality education service delivery. The Ministry of Education...
Teachers are the most important school-based input to learning, and having a qualified, well-supported, and motivated workforce is essential for quality education service delivery. The Ministry of Education...
Teachers are the most important school-based input to learning, and having a qualified, well-supported, and motivated workforce is essential for quality education service delivery. The Ministry of Education...
Children in Lebanese public schools have experienced four consecutive disrupted academic years (2019-20 to 2022-23), receiving approximately 270 days of in-person teaching compared with the 600 days they...
Lebanon has been participating in the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) since 2003, offering a rich data source for progress on learning in Lebanon over time, and factors associated with...
This report analyzes the results of various PISA and TIMSS assessment rounds conducted in Jordan and Lebanon to identify trends in achievement, provide insights into factors that contribute to better learning...
This report presents the findings from the second phase of the Research for Results (R4R) program. The R4R program is a partnership between the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), the World...
Human capital development is a critical determinant of economic growth, equity, and prosperity, but outcomes in this domain are worryingly low in Lebanon, risking the future of generations of children...
This report presents detailed findings of a teacher performance study in Lebanon, one of four studies carried out under the research for results (R4R) program, a partnership between the Lebanese Ministry...