This report depicts in graphic form the results of benchmarking Pakistan on selected metrics grouped into four sets of color-coded pillars that represent the Resilience, Inclusion, Sustainability and Efficiency...
This report focuses on data from a survey of 10,000 farmers across Punjab, conducted in May and June 2022, which establishes four key stylized facts about groundwater irrigation in Punjab Province, where...
There are deep uncertainties about future climate-related events and how best to model their transmission pathways. Due to high future uncertainty and the limitations of existing macro models, any economy...
Regenerative agriculture practices (RAPs) hold the promise of restoring land, reducing the need for irrigation water and reducing costs of production for farmers. However, scaling up such practices will...
Expenditure needs to meet sustainable development group (SDG) targets in water and sanitation are sizable. To achieve universal coverage by 2030, Pakistan would need to expand access to safely managed...
2022 میں پاکستان کو تباہ کن خشک سالی اور سیلاب کا سامنا کرنا پڑا جس نے بڑے پیمانے پر اثاثوں، زندگیوں اور معاش کو تباہ کر دیا۔ سب سے پہلے، شدید ہیٹ ویو، جو پہلے 1000 سال میں ایک واقعہ تھا، میں درجہ حرارت...
In 2022, Pakistan endured devastating droughts and floods that destroyed assets, lives, and livelihoods on a massive scale. First, a severe heatwave, previously a 1-in-1000-year event, saw temperatures...
In 2022, Pakistan endured devastating droughts and floods that destroyed assets, lives, and livelihoods on a massive scale. First, a severe heatwave, previously a 1-in-1000-year event, saw temperatures...