This report aims to guide the policy makers in World Bank client jurisdictions in continuously improving their assessments and understandings of money laundering and terrorist financing risks in their...
Today, data has become an essential input for policy decisions in many fields. Considering the increase in numbers of transnational financial crimes, policies to tackle criminal proceeds and financial...
Persistent corruption and the insufficient results of asset recovery efforts compel countries to search for more effective ways to counteract the loss of much needed resources. The importance of asset...
This report examines how tax audits and investigations can lead to uncovering white-collar crime and how investigations of corruption can, in turn, lead to prosecutions of tax evasion or recovery of unpaid...
Money is the main incentive that underlies most crimes. Therefore, authorities fighting crimes should have an accurate and in-depth understanding of illicit proceeds and financial flows (IFFs), or so-called...
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) requires national governments to demonstrate an understanding of the money laundering risks in the country. Such an understanding is the foundation for effective...