Integrating nutrition priorities in country planning and budgeting process and implement the necessary enabling policies and reforms to accelerate progress in nutrition improvement. This report focuses...
Public resources are needed to finance nutrition interventions. Therefore, how well these resources are managed matters to how effective governments can be in addressing malnutrition. However, public financial...
This report focuses to inform nutrition for growth (N4G) audience countries and stakeholders of an emerging concept of nutrition-responsive public financial management. It contributes to a knowledge base...
This report focuses on the overview nutrition tool for allocative efficiency in nutrition investments. It covers the process of conducting optima nutrition analyses from experiences across countries.
This report focuses on the framework of fiscal policies for nutrition. The objective of this report is to create a difference in retail prices between healthy and unhealthy food and drinks.
This report focuses on the following: Highlight how Universal Health Coverage (UHC)-oriented reforms offer an opportunity to reach global nutrition targets; Discuss concrete strategies on how health financing...
This report focuses on the following: (i) Present a broad overview of nutrition financing and introduce key strategic action areas and emerging country initiatives on financing and accountability to drive...