The BCP assessment was conducted in Gaborone, Botswana from October 12 –November 2, 2022. The mission met with various departments of the BoB involved in supervision and regulation, and financial stability...
The current growth model that is driven by extractives and a large public sector is reaching its limits. Botswana has utilized wealth from diamonds and political stability to lay the foundation for strong...
Botswana is in the fortunate position of having a significant source of long-term, local currency financing to support economic growth and development – but needs a holistic market development plan to...
The Botswana government’s agenda on establishing and running state-owned financial institutions (SOFIs) is guided by several well-defined goals which are outlined in various policy documents. It is broadly...
Access to credit by micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) remains challenging in Botswana. Lack of access to credit has both demand and supply side challenges. There are demand side challenges such...
This technical note, prepared as part of the Financial Sector Assessment Program, analyzes the financial inclusion and digital financial services landscape in Botswana. The note considers developments...