The Basel Core Principles (BCP) assessment was conducted in Panama City, Panama, from January 17 to February 6, 2023. This assessment of the implementation of the BCPs by the Superintendency of Banks of...
Panama has a large, internationally connected, and in some respects unique financial sector. It is an important regional banking hub hosting a large number of foreign banks and providing financial intermediation...
This technical note presents a high-level assessment of Panamanian payment systems and financial inclusion policies. It is based on the Payment Aspects of Financial Inclusion (PAFI) framework published...
In light of Panama’s exposure to foreign money laundering (ML) risks, its recent inclusion in the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) “grey list”, and reforms adopted by the government, this Technical Note...
This Technical Note provides an overview of possible financial sector vulnerabilities to climate and environmental risks, assesses the current supervisory response to those risks, explores green finance...