PPI investments in developing countries have remained relatively low since the sharp decline which occurred between 2011-12, with the lowest dip experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic period. We study...
This paper uses panel data over four decades in Brazilian municipalities to study the separate and joint impacts of highway and electricity infrastructure access on local economic outcomes. The identification...
Correctly pricing private vehicles and their use is paramount to building sustainable, safe, and equitable transportation systems. However, determining the “right” price – the combination of taxes on vehicle...
How does the misallocation of complementary public capital affect the spatial organization of economic activity? To answer this question, this paper endogenizes the government’s decision to invest in the...
Meeting the dual challenge of providing reliable and affordable energy and transport to a growing population while reducing environmental impacts, including mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, requires...
The COVID-19 pandemic has been posing unprecedented challenges for the transport sector. Urban travel has declined all over the world, but not uniformly for all modes; public transportation has taken the...
This paper presents a meta-analysis of the infrastructure research done over more than three decades, using a database of over a thousand estimates from 221 papers reporting outcome elasticities. The analysis...
Policy makers have long used investing in public infrastructure as a means of reducing geographical disparities and promoting growth. The goal of this paper is to provide insights to development practitioners...
This study offers the first consistent attempt to identify how energy sector decarbonization policies have affected the energy mix over the past four decades across more than 100 developing countries...