This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: the Bank at thirty-five: doing business despite the ' hassle~^!!^ by Bogomir Chokel; energy meeting boosts awareness, but gets no promise...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: Credit Union's (CU's) long lines are seen as 'sign of progress'; international conference features Bank speakers; Mr. Clausen, may I...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: King, in farewell, bids the Board to place interest of the Bank first, by Colbert I. King; ten years old and going strong, by Christine...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: bank celebrates 35th birthday, by Bogomir Chokel; providing housing for the poor: self-help methods work best, by Douglas Keare; how...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: world hunger is seen as result of mal-distribution, not a lack of food, by Robert Picciotto; author pays tribute to Mary Evans; meeting...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: security boasts new hats; aims at better service; overseas staff discuss Bank's role in the 1980s; family planning film surprises some;...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: women's decade: 1980 conference marks midpoint, by Gloria Scott; D. Beach attains long awaited goal: photographs ~^!!^redskins~^!!^ in...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following issue: staff (mostly women) shape up at new exercise facility; Bank-private voluntary organizations (PVOs) seek joint ways to help third world...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following issue: McNamara to step down as President of the Bank; staff member publishes a book about Micronesia; pensions aren't enough; retirers need a...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following issue: area teachers test Bank's educational materials; private voluntary organizations (PVOs) to meet at the Bank; mission wife undertakes novel...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: G-4 coalition asks for staff support; Bank co-sponsors bio-energy exposition; PARTAC, by Dolly N. Gregorio; everybody wins at egg hunt...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: new method for linear programming, by Doris J. Beers; national geographic publishes former staff member's story, by Carole Devillers;...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: Status of Women Working Group (SWWG) speaker is optimistic, by Phyllis Roos; staff member lends a helping hand to refugees, by Keiko...
This Banks Notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: L building is burglarized; I cafeteria opens in time for holiday crowd; staff auction raises needed funds for Cambodian people; ICC...
This Banks Notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: 1818 society holds annual meeting, by 1818 society members; bank staff burn calories and save energy, by Jay Brooks; new Director plans...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following issue: committee seeks to increase funds; Development Policy Staff (DPS) and regional economist exchange ideas at seminars by Pierre Landell-Mills;...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following issue: International Finance Corporation (IFC) is first to move to the new 'I~^!!^ building; more staff elect to join scheme; stockroom seeks cooperation...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: Credit Union (CU) installs mini-computer; film crew experiences life in Indian village; staff member discovers island of sheep, beaches...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: Executive Directors (EDs) make decision on compensation; 'bunching season~^!!^ creates a heavy workload for print shop, by Nancy Caton;...
This Bank notes newsletter includes some of the following headings: the lines in our lives; 'bunching season~^!!^ creates a heavy workload for print shop; majority of staff vote to amend staff association...