Putting social and "green" responsibility on the corporate agenda. ESSD retreat. 2001 World Bank European sustainable development forum. World Bank approves environment strategy. Millenium ecosystem assessment...
The ESSD Advisory Service handles 300 quries a month. Safeguard policies Help Desk and CDD Help Desk launched in the ESSD Advisory Service. Upcoming World Bank Environment Week. Update on the World Bank's...
ESSD: Community driven development anchor now firmly established. Environment: latest public opinion on the environment now available. The environment strategy consultations in San Francisco. Critical...
Environment: Environment strategy consultations in full swing. Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) moves towards effectiveness. Climate change in the eyes of its new team leader. Rural: Feeding...
ESSD news: ESSD European Forum a success. Sector news - Environment: Environment strategy consultations kick into action. Global public opinion and the environment. GEF council approved 12 new Bank-GEF...
ESSD's annual gathering. The Hague World Water Forum. WB/NGO activities during the Spring Meetings. UN Commission on Sustainable Development to focus on land and agriculture. ESSD European Forum. WB/WWW...
ESSD Managers retreat. Prototype Carbon Fund launch. Changes in ESSD management. Kristalina on her new role - Director of the Environment Department. Bob Thompson on his new role - Director of the Rural...
Convention to Combat Desertification. "Greening Industry" publication launch and seminar. NGO-World Bank committee meeting rescheduled. "Hotspots" launch. World Bank/WWW launch. World Bank/WWW high-level...
Budget reduction is opportunity to reassess. Development Committee discusses social principles. Bank environment strategy subject of ENV Forum. CGIAR to position itself for 21st century at MTMS. Social...
Rural Week 99 to spotlight the political dimension. Quality assurance and compliance has high priority. Social development QAG review team finds inconsistencies. Heads of state to discuss forests in Yaounde...
Council to discuss sustainability strategy. Global forestry workshop: input for Bank's strategy. UNEP governing Council to feature governance. Sector boards' quality assurance plans due February 5. Strategic...
FY2000 Strategic Forum to chart Bank's direction. Post-conflict reconstruction brainstorming. Netherlands pledges $14.5 million for environment. Safeguard policies compliance. NGOs call for forest policy...
Board wrestles with energy and environment. ESSD Council retreat confronts key issues. Flash from the field. IFC implements revised environmental review process. World Commission on dams seeks continued...