Domestic agricultural support was classified in the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture (URAA) with a complex system of boxes that ranked programs according to their effect on trade. Policies deemed...
The conversion of all non-tariff measures into bound tariffs with reduction commitments and the introduction of minimum access commitments in the form of import quotas (as a share of domestic consumption)...
Over the last year, the World Bank has significantly stepped up support for trade activities to help its client countries integrate better into the world trading system. It has augmented resources devoted...
Although the principle of more favorable treatment for developing countries has a long history and is firmly embedded in the WTO,1 the existing system of differential treatment has left both developed...
Ascertaining the country of origin of imported products is necessary to be able to apply basic trade policy measures such as tariffs, quantitative restrictions, anti-dumping and countervailing duties and...
Recent negotiations at the World Trade Organization (WTO) on patents and public health have sought to im-plement the work program agreed in Doha in 2001 on improving access to generic drugs for poor countries...
Among the many questions that WTO ministers will take up in their September meeting in Cancun, Mexico, is the issue of an international investment agreement. This is one of the four issues under discussion...