We use data from a Brazilian social program to investigate the existence of gender bias in intrahousehold allocations of resources. The program makes cash transfers to mothers and pregnant women in poor...
Prevailing measures of relative poverty are unchanged when all incomes grow or contract by the same proportion. This property stems from seemingly implausible assumptions about the disutility of relative...
This paper conducts an event study of the impact of multilateral debt relief initiatives announcements on the stock prices of South African companies with subsidiaries in countries benefited by these initiatives...
Suppose that all people in the world are allocated only two characteristics over which they have (almost) no control: country of residence and income distribution within that country. Assume further that...
Health and income are strongly correlated both within and across countries, yet the extent to which improvements in income have a causal effect on health status remains controversial. The authors investigate...
This study explores to what extent migration has contributed to improved living standards of individuals in Tanzania. Using a thirteen year panel survey, we find that migration between 1991 and 2004 added...
The paper explores the evolution of export diversification patterns along the economic development path. Using a large database with 156 countries over 19 years at the HS6 level of disaggregation (4,991...
This paper estimates the economic effects of a recent reform that simplified business entry regulation in Mexico. The reform was introduced in different municipalities at different points in time. Using...
Levels of development vary widely within countries in the Americas. We argue that part of this variation has its roots in the colonial era, when colonizers engaged in different economic activities in different...
We use a migration lottery program to overcome the double selectivity problems posed by migration. We compare a wide range of outcomes for the remaining household members of Tongan emigrants with those...
The Japanese international trade structure in manufactured goods has been analyzed using cross-section regression analysis in which labor, capital, human capital, and energy are regressed on Japanese net...
Cross country demand and savings patterns are investigated in an application of the extended linear expenditure system (ELES). By fitting the ELES model to a short time series for 14 countries, using an...