In May, political impasse continued, while socio-economic conditions deteriorated further, affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, rising food prices, and downsizing of humanitarian operations, especially in...
While the number of officially confirmed COVID-19 (coronavirus) cases increased sharply, devastating rains and flooding compounded Yemen's dire economic and humanitarian conditions. Food security continues...
Yemen's conflict entered the sixth year in March. Despite generally difficult operating environment, some entrepreneurs seized opportunities to spur new business sectors. Declining food stocks, sharply...
لا تزال الأوضاع الاقتصادية هادئة نسبياً خلال شهر فبراير/شباط 2020. ومازالت المخاوف النقدية قائمة، كما أن الآثار غير المباشرة للأزمة العالمية آخذة في الظهور عبر أسعار النفط والتجارة.
Economic conditions in Yemen remained relatively calm in February and internet connectivity was restored. Risks of monetary disruption continue, and indirect global crisis impacts through oil prices and...
Yemen's economy continues to suffer from the fragmentation of national institutions between the two conflicting parties and ad hoc decisions taken by them, which compound the economic crisis and human...
During 2019 Yemen's economy continued to suffer from protracted and spasmodic conflict. Early in the year, the economy was projected to grow at around 2 percent in 2019, underpinned by a gradual recovery...
This Yemen economic update includes the following headings: summary; recent economic developments; macroeconomic development; structural reforms and policies; outlook; economic and sector dialogue; new...
This Yemen economic update includes the following headings: summary; recent economic developments; macroeconomic developments; structural reforms and policies; outlook; economic and sector dialogue; new...
This Yemen economic update includes the following headings: summary; recent economic developments; macroeconomic development; structural reforms and policies; outlook; economic and sector dialogue; new...
This Yemen economic update includes the following headings: summary; recent economic development; macroeconomic development; structural reforms and policies; outlook; economic and sector dialogue; new...
This Yemen economic update includes the following headings: summary; recent economic developments; macroeconomic developments; structural reforms and policies; outlook; economic and sector dialogue; new...
This Yemen economic update includes the following headings: summary; recent economic development; macroeconomic development and outlook; structural reforms and policies; outlook; economic and sector dialogue;...
This Yemen economic update includes the following headings: summary; recent economic developments; macroeconomic developments; structural reforms and policies; outlook; economic and sector dialogue; new...
Yemen economic update is a quarterly report that consists of several sections. The first section highlights major political and social developments. The second covers the macroeconomic developments. The...
The Yemen Economic Update for spring 2008 includes the following articles; summary, recent economic development; macroeconomic development and outlook; structural reforms and policies; outlook; economic...
The Yemen Economic Update for winter 2007 includes the following articles; Summary, Recent Economic Development; Macroeconomic Development and Outlook; Structural Reforms and Policies; Outlook; Economic...
This Yemen economic update includes the following headings: summary; recent political developments; macroeconomic developments; structural reforms and policies; outlook; economic and sector dialogue; new...
Yemen Economic Update is a quarterly report that consists of five sections. The first section highlights major economic and policy developments. The second section provides a special topic on the Yemeni...
Yemen Economic Update is a quarterly report that consists of five sections. The first section highlights major economic and policy developments. The second section provides a special topic on the Yemeni...