The advancement of technology and the exponential growth of data are providing the opportunity to Low Income Countries and Lower Middle-Income Countries to leapfrog and improve quality of care, decision...
The development objective of the Supporting Andhras Learning Transformation (SALT) Operation - Program-for-Results Project for India is to improve learning outcomes, quality of teaching practices, and...
This paper provides new insights on the science of scaling. The authors study an educational mentoring program with a home visit component implemented at scale in Mexico, under different modalities...
The Government of Mongolia has implemented a succession of education plans over the past three decades: the Master Plan for Developing the Education Sector of Mongolia in 1993, the Strategic Plan for...
The Nicaraguan Ministry of Health of through the Health Education Directorate implements the Guideline 8 of the National Health Policy, which states the development of Human Talent as an essential axis...
The Nicaraguan Ministry of Health of through the Health Education Directorate implements the Guideline 8 of the National Health Policy, which states the development of Human Talent as an essential axis...