Decentralization is an important and commonplace type of reform, yet our understanding of its effects remains limited. This paper documents the effects of the 2009-10 wave of district creation in Uganda...
Governments across the world have increasingly devolved powers to locally elected leaders. This paper studies the consequences of local democracy, exploiting a natural experiment in Karnataka, India. Local...
The objective of the Support to Regional Knowledge Capacity on Economic Transformation, Resilience, and Recovery Project is to strengthen the African Center for Economic Transformation’s capability to...
Potrivit regulamentului de organizare și funcționare a corpului de specialitate al primarului Craiovei, primarul, viceprimarii, secretarul orașului și organul de specialitate al primarului constituie o...
This policy note constitutes an integral part of the policy dialogue with the Government of Togo in support of its ongoing decentralization process. The note recognizes the potential of decentralization...
Succession planning is a key element of good corporate governance in a company. It is aimed at ensuring continued development and sustainability of a company’s business. This can help in times of planned...
El proceso de descentralización se inició con la idea de mejorar la eficiencia y la calidad del gasto público y lograr que los otros niveles de gobierno se adapten a las necesidades específicas de los...