Administrative divisions extend beyond mere map boundaries as they significantly impact people's lives, influencing the availability and quality of public goods such as green spaces, transportation, waste...
During the recent Covid-19 shock (2020/21), most countries used cash transfers to protect the livelihoods of those affected by the pandemic or by restrictions on mobility or economic activities, including...
Decentralization is an important and commonplace type of reform, yet our understanding of its effects remains limited. This paper documents the effects of the 2009-10 wave of district creation in Uganda...
This book, The Government Analytics Handbook, is about enabling individuals to change their governments for the better. It draws on a moment in history when the world is capitalizing on innovations in...
The development objective of Modernization of Government Services Project for Moldova is to improve access, efficiency, and quality of delivery of selected government administrative services. This restructuring...
This report contains the World Bank Group Boards’ calendar for the period from December 2022 to February 2023, specifying the Boards’ engagements, such as meetings and briefings.
This report discusses the remarks delivered by World Bank Group President David Malpass met with King Abdullah II ibn Al-Hussein of Jordan. President Malpass and King Abdullah exchanged views on regional...
Competency management has increasingly assumed strategic importance for Italian public administrations in fully overseeing the development of public services, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19...
Croatia’s high degree of municipal fragmentation has been consistently recognized as a weakness and one of the main problems of its intergovernmental fiscal system. The report argues that the problem of...
According to the regulation on the organization and functioning of the specialized body of the mayor of Craiova, the mayor, the deputy mayors, the secretary of the city and the mayor's specialized body...
Potrivit regulamentului de organizare și funcționare a corpului de specialitate al primarului Craiovei, primarul, viceprimarii, secretarul orașului și organul de specialitate al primarului constituie o...
According to the updated regulation on the organization and functioning of the specialized body of the Mayor of Tårgu Secuiescl, Tårgu Secuiesc Municipality is organized and operates according to the provisions...
Potrivit Regulamentului actualizat de organizare și funcționare a organului de specialitate al Primarului municipiului Tårgu Secuiescl, Municipiul Tårgu Secuiesc este organizat și funcționează conform...
This report integrates the results of two activities undertaken under Deliverable 5.6 of the Human Resources Management (HRM) RAS on the review of relevant HRM practices at the EU level. Firstly, the report...
This guideline represents the first part of Deliverable 5.3 of Output 5 of the Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) on Developing a Unitary Human Resources Management (HRM) System within the Public Administration...
This report represents deliverable 5.1 Analysis of the Performance Management System of the Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) on Developing a Unitary Human Resources Management (HRM) System within the...
Under the Human Resource Management Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement on Developing a Unitary Human Resources Management System within the Romanian Public Administration (henceforth HRM RAS) between...
The core message of this Baseline Diagnostic of the legal and institutional framework for Human Resources Management (HRM) in the Romanian public administration is that developing a unitary, strategic...
The core message of the Recommended Options for Romania is that developing a unitary, strategic Human Resources Management (HRM) system in Romania’s public administration requires a paradigm shift from...