This study examines the complex relationships between rainfall shocks, agricultural productivity, and rural economic activity in Rajasthan, India’s largest state. Using district-level agricultural data...
Understanding global food production and productivity patterns is crucial for policy and in-vestment decisions aimed at addressing poverty, food insecurity, and climate change. This pa-per develops comprehensive...
The Global Challenge Program (GCP) will catalyze and leverage new ways of working between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Association (IDA)...
Sub-Saharan Africa’s low agricultural productivity exacerbates rural poverty. An important investment, the sustainable use of groundwater for irrigation, has the potential to increase agricultural productivity...
Agricultural subsidies make up a large share of public budgets, exceeding 40 percent of total agricultural production value in some countries. Subsidies are often important components of government strategies...
This paper systematically analyzes the effect of agricultural input subsidies in developing countries on yield and income, using a meta-analysis. From three databases, the analysis identifies 12 studies...
Despite limited uptake, index insurance is often seen as one of the most remarkable innovations of the past decades to help smallholder farmers manage risks. This paper uses a Bayesian hierarchical model...
Agricultural productivity is hindered in smallholder farming systems due to several factors, including farmers’ inability to meet crop-specific soil requirements. This paper focuses on soil suitability...