Ratings for the Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project for Eastern and Southern Africa were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E)...
This World Bank in India newsletter for the month of November 2022 includes the following sub-headings: Jharkhand's Pashu Sakhis; projects; some recent blogs; and publications.
Important mitigation outcomes and other co-benefits could be at reach if rural communities and policy makers in low- and middle-income economies overcame the obstacle of access to finance in the livestock...
Important mitigation outcomes and other co-benefits could be at reach if rural communities and policy makers in low- and middle-income economies overcame the obstacle of access to finance in the livestock...
At the country-level, freshwater aquaculture production was correlated (P less than 0.05) with area, renewable freshwater, and population increased - the strongest tendency was with population. Intensity...
This note aims to provide a short summary of the strategic vision for World Bank support to Africa's marine fisheries over the next ten years, drawing upon the World Bank's global program on fisheries...
The purpose of this livestock sector survey is to provide the Directorate-General of Livestock Services (DGLS) and the World Bank with an overview of the public and private sector responses to the 1997-98...
This press release announces the International Finance Corporation (IFC) signed a US 50 million dollars financing agreement with Perdigao S.A. Comercio e Industria, an integrated producer of pork and poultry...
This press release announces the World Bank has approved a loan of twenty-four million five hundred thousand US dollars to increase shrimp and tuna production and exports in Indonesia, which has the world's...
The project's main objective is to assist in meeting the electricity demand in the Northern and Western Regions of India through the addition of about 1,500 MW of thermal capacity. The project comprises...
This press release announces the International Finance Corporation (IFC), an affiliate of the World Bank, is helping finance a project for the establishment of a modern poultry complex in Cameroon, sponsored...
What is the "right" price for an agricultural commodity? In a world of perfect certainty where political considerations or the impact on income distribution are of no consequence, economists have an easy...
Fishery is an important sector in most developing countries; in many cases, it contributes over five percent to the gross national product (GNP). Some twelve million fishermen are to be found in these...
Fisheries are an important sector in most LDCs, and aquaculture is the smallest but fastest growing fishery subsector. Benefits to be gained from fishery development include: increased employment and incomes;...
This news release, dated July 17, 1980, announces the World Bank approved a 45 million dollars loan to the Philippines to help increase the production of animal protein.
The Fisheries Development Project is IDA's first lending operation for fisheries development in YAR and is also the first integrated development effort that has ever been undertaken in YAR's fisheries...
This press release announces Egyptian investors, and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) have agreed to support twenty-seven million forty thousand US dollars poultry project in Egypt on July 30...