The Empowering Civil Society and Journalists in Oversight and Promotion of Effective Anti-Corruption Environment Project has been in the field from July 2020 onwards, coming to its closure in June 2023...
GovTech initiatives provide governments with opportunities to improve public services, get better value-for-money, and curb corruption. A higher maturity level of GovTech initiatives correlates positively...
The report presents: definitions and international instruments; corruption risk assessment (CRA) - objectives and focus; international experience; key considerations; and possible next steps for Uzbekistan.
This paper uses some of the main elements of the World Development Report 2017 framework to analyze how the initiative came to be. First, it looks to investigate the origin of the constitutional changes...
The development objective of the Reconstruction Trust Fund Recurrent and Capital Expenditures (ARTF-RC) Project for Afghanistan is to provide a coordinated financing mechanism so that the Government of...
This document focuses on corruption that may occur in funded projects of government or international organizations, but corruption cannot be an isolated phenomenon within a project. Instead, it may be...
This assessment of the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML-CFT) regime in Mali was conducted on the basis of the Forty Recommendations of 2003 and the Nine Special Recommendations...
This report discusses the remarks delivered by Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank. He introduces the speaker Dr. Anwar Ibrahim, for the presidential lecture. He talks about the speaker as a man...
This report discusses the remarks delivered by Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank. He discusses that the call to end poverty reaches across generations, continents, and nationalities. It spans...
The ratio of projects at risk is 44 percent, which is much higher than a 20 percent Bank-wide average. The main problems seem to be an insufficient capacity to undertake procurement efficiently and an...
The note looks at effective anticorruption legal instruments. However, law enforcement measures are not the first or necessarily the preferred method of defense. An informed citizenry, a government imbued...
Corruption is bad for development. Leaving aside the morality of bribe taking, influence peddling, embezzlement, and other abuses of power for personal or narrow group gain, corruption impedes investment...
In December 29, 1992, Michael J Gillette was interviewed on behalf of the World Bank Group Archives oral history program by John Lewis, Richard Webb, Devesh Kapur. He was in Alain Enthoven’s shop, which...