This report builds on a joint WHO-World Bank initiative on budget execution challenges (described in more detail in Appendix 1). Following the introduction, section 2 provides an overview of core concepts...
Fintech innovations are widespread, yet their application in health is limited. The use of mobile money has grown exponentially in Africa. By the end of 2018, almost 400 million registered mobile money...
Performance based financing (PBF) has introduced significant changes to how providers are paid. With PBF the provider is established as its own budget holder and is reimbursed based on the level and...
This report explores the potential of maturing technologies to address specific health financing challenges in East and Southern Africa. To the extent possible, it draws on examples from countries in the...
The Western Balkans Six Energy Crisis Response PASA was approved in November 2022 with the development objective of ‘supporting the design and implementation of medium- to long-term strategies to ensure...
The economy decelerated slightly. Manufacturing and private consumption weakened while exports and tourism continued to support growth. Growth is projected to accelerate to 2.4 percent in 2024, with further...
Chapter 1 of the report discusses differences in the evolution of the size and composition of public spending between high-income and low- and middle-income nations. These differences are cause and effect...
This document presents the FY25 World Bank Budget for Board approval. To effectively fund the work for the evolution priorities, whilst responding to the cost pressures and risks identified in the budget...