The composition of flora and fauna in low-lying coastal regions worldwide is being altered by sea-level rise in a changing climate, favoring saline-tolerant species. These shifts are projected to have...
The expansion of marine protected areas (MPAs) is a core focus of global conservation efforts, with the “30x30” initiative to protect 30% of the ocean by 2030 serving as a prominent example of this trend...
Many countries sell fishing rights to foreign nations and fishers. Although African coastal waters are among the world’s most biologically rich, African countries earn much less than their peers from selling...
Congestion can reduce the value of a fishery, resulting in a lower total catch for the same amount of labor, fuel, and equipment expended in fishing activities. Absent the congestion externality, better...
Input subsidies in natural resource sectors are widely believed to deplete the natural capital on which these sectors depend. However, estimating the causal effect of subsidies on resource extraction has...
The development objective of Fisheries Sector COVID-19 Recovery Project for India is to support the fisheries sector recovery with expanded access to working capital and insurance, improved fisheries value-chains...
The World Bank has engaged with the government of Sri Lanka in an advisory services and analytics (ASA) work entitled priorities for sustainably managing Sri Lanka’s marine fisheries, coastal aquaculture...