Os preços globais do petróleo subiram nas últimas décadas, prejudicando significativamente o padrão de vida das famílias. Em resposta ao aumento dos preços, muitos governos introduziram subsídios aos preços...
The report on the indexation of benefits within the adaptive social protection (ASP) framework underscores the importance of linking cash transfers to inflation to maintain their adequacy amidst changing...
The report contains a list of IBRD and IDA disbursements by country and by Global Practices covering the period from FY2015 to FY2022. The information includes the disbursement amount for each of the sixteen...
Global oil prices have surged in recent decades, significantly hurting household living standards. In response to rising prices, many governments introduced fuel price subsidy to protect the most vulnerable...
The development objective of the Productive Safety Net for Socioeconomic Opportunities Project for South Sudan is to provide cash transfers and access to income generating opportunities and strengthen...
The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a conditional cash transfer (CCT) program that provides cash to beneficiary households subject to their compliance with program conditionalities. Through...
Using a cluster-randomized trial, this paper evaluates the impact of group-based interpersonal therapy on mental health and human capital accumulation among adolescent girls in Uganda who were at risk...
Ce rapport est composé de six sections. La section 2 présente la méthodologie du modèle PMT pour évaluer le niveau de vie des ménages. La troisième section détaille les modèles nationaux qui ont été conçus...
The rapid expansion of social safety nets in contexts affected by violence, fragility and forced displacement raises questions about whether such programs can relieve the worst forms of insecurity and...
The objective of the Third Additional Financing of the Emergency Social Protection Enhancement and COVID-19 Response Project is to provide cash transfers, temporary employment, and increased access to...
The objective of the Third Additional Financing of the Emergency Social Protection Enhancement and COVID-19 Response Project is to provide cash transfers, temporary employment, and increased access to...
This study examines the impact of farm input subsidies, food and cash transfers, and irrigation investments on the dietary diversity, food consumption scores, and coping strategy index in Malawi. Despite...
The document collection discusses the effects of a nationwide government-implemented cash transfer program in a large developing economy. The program provided unconditional cash transfers to households...
This note provides a consolidated set of recommendations for further enhancing the impact, efficiency, and sustainability of the social protection system in Nigeria. The recommendations stem from the findings...
The document collection focuses on the evaluation of a cash transfer program and the analysis of survey data to identify trends. The main idea is to assess the effectiveness of the cash transfer program...
The document collection focuses on the coordination and management of Social Safety Nets (SSN) programs in a specific country. It outlines the need for a coordinating mechanism to integrate, harmonize...
The document collection focuses on strategies to enhance social safety nets for poverty alleviation, with a particular emphasis on improving the targeting and impact of cash transfer programs. It addresses...