The World Bank Group (WBG) is committed to becoming a better listener and accelerating progress in the fight to end poverty and boost shared prosperity in a sustainable and inclusive manner. Engaging citizens...
El objetivo principal de esta nota es contribuir con la identificación de modelos, prácticas e instrumentos de financiamiento que permitan una mejor coordinación de la inversión pública encaminados al...
This note provides a summary of the results achieved and lessons learned under the Strengthening Implementation of the Roadmap for Citizen Engagement (CE) in the Burundi Portfolio ASA, which ran from June...
Para todos los proyectos Categoría A y B (…), durante el proceso de evaluación ambiental, el prestatario debe consultar a los grupos afectados por el proyecto y a ONGs locales sobre los aspectos ambientales...
This paper focuses on how digital technologies can be used to increase Citizen Engagement in global development work and how private and public sector organizations can partner with or support World Bank...
This report focuses on Latin and Caribbean Citizen engagement team status update as of March 2022.
En esta presentación se analiza la Estrategia de Participación Ciudadana: Diseño Conceptual de la Plataforma Digital, Experiencias Internacionales y Próximos Pasos Proyecto de Desarrollo Económico Local...
Citizen Engagement (CE) is about creating feedback loopsbetween the state and citizens to ensure that citizens’ voices are heard and incorporated in development outcomes. This report focuses on CE in LCR...
The World Bank Group (WBG) is committed to becoming a better listener and accelerating progress in the fight to end poverty and boost shared prosperity in a sustainable and inclusive manner. Engaging citizens...
This report focuses on Latin and Caribbean Citizen engagement team status update as of September 2021.
The functional urban area of the Craiova growth pole is located in the southwestern part of the country, in the South-West development region, more precisely in the north part of Dolj County. Because of...
The present report represents deliverable 1.b of Output 1 of the Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement on Consolidating the Strategic Management Function of the General Secretariat of the Government...