The development objective of Civil Service Modernization Project for Philippines is to improve the efficiency and the quality of human resource and payroll management in selected national government agencies...
This Baseline Report has been developed under а Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) Agreement between the Government of Greece and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World...
Evidence suggests that poor court performance negatively affects the economy. Complaints about the business climate are often associated with complicated procedural laws and backlogs that beleaguer the...
This report covers the improving access to justice: from resources to results delivered by the World Bank in collaboration with the UK’s Good Governance Fund
Since the end of the Civil War in 1992, El Salvador has advanced on both the social and political fronts. Despite this progress and the recent reductions in income inequality, poverty remains high, largely...
This report aims at identifying the particular needs and constraints faced by the poorest women and men when accessing the judicial system. Similarly to the Judicial Functional Review,6 the scope of this...
Corruption and thefts of public assets harm a diffuse set of victims, weakens confidence in public institutions, damages the private investment climate, and threatens the foundations of the society as...
Since 2002, after the civil war, Sierra Leone has made considerable progress in building peace, achieving macro-economic stability, re-establishing democratic institutions, and strengthening core government...
Since 2002, after the civil war, Sierra Leone has made considerable progress in building peace, achieving macro-economic stability, re-establishing democratic institutions, and strengthening core government...
The Judicial Branch Modernization Project will support implementation of the judicial branch modernization plan 2004-2009. The project aims to improve the capacity and performance of the judicial branch...
Ratings for the Legal and Judicial Capacity Building Project for Bangladesh were as follows: outcomes were unsatisfactory, the risk to development outcome was high, the Bank performance was unsatisfactory...
This news release, dated March 22, 2005, announces the World Bank Board of Directors approved a 15 million dollars loan to support the Government of Jordan strengthen the capacity of the civil service...
The present report discusses research conducted in Mexico and Argentina on court uses and users. It forms part of an emerging body of work now under way in various Latin American countries for the purpose...