Effective risk assessment and disaster recovery efforts can only be as good as the data that informs them. With missing or inadequate risk information hindering resilience in many developing countries...
This report presents poverty indices at the district level based on small-area estimations, anduses the results to present maps of poverty in the country. Acknowledging that poverty is multidimensional...
The Open Data for Resilience Initiative (OpenDRI) was launched in 2011 to bring the policies and practices of the global open data movement to bear on the challenges of reducing vulnerability to natural...
Mapping presents a compelling way to demystify complex data and concepts into useful visual information that most people can understand regardless of language, level of literacy, or culture. These maps...
Enhanced transparency, accountability, and government or donor responsiveness to people needs are imperative to achieve better and more sustainable development results on the ground. The rapid spread of...
This guide offers a comprehensive understanding of the design and implementation of an Open Cities mapping project for both practitioners in the field and those interested in a higher-level understanding...
This guide offers a comprehensive understanding of the design and implementation of an Open Cities mapping project, for both practitioners in the field and those interested in a higher-level understanding...
The acceptance of volunteered geographic information (VGI) as a valued and useful source of information for governments is growing at all levels. The aim of this report is to review governmental projects...
Credible information about risk is an essential element of Disaster Risk Management (DRM). Thousands of times each year, disasters reveal decisions about how to apply this information to the management...
This project is the documentation of existing ecosystem conditions on and around the cocoa farms that have registered to participate in farmer training and technical assistance, leading to Rainforest Alliance...
The general objective of the project is to help the Government and the municipalities to obtain a strategy and tools allowing for the improvement of access to urban services (including water supply) by...