This note is prepared as a continuation of the long-standing collaboration between the Government of Poland and the World Bank in the area of Long-Term Care (LTC). Some of the earlier outputs of this collaboration...
In China, the rapid aging of the population and the weakening of family-based elder care are increasing the demand for formal long-term care services for the elderly. In response, Chinese governments at...
The aged and community care sectors in Australia and New Zealand are widely expected to expand rapidly over the coming decades. The forces that have led to ageing in Australia and New Zealand is the lower...
The objective of the Social Welfare Development Project for Croatia is to strengthen the quality of social services and improve administration, planning and policy making of the social welfare system...
Surveillance systems in Uganda detect that HIV prevalence declined from 21.1 percent in 1991 to 6.4 percent in 2001. The most common explanations for this decrease are that the population mobilized itself...
According to the International Labor Organization, 120 million children work full-time worldwide. Virtually all live in poor countries. Legislation has been passed to ban child labor, but it is not enforced...
This news release, dated July 26, 2002, announces the World Bank approved a loan and credit worth United States (U.S.) 6.04 million dollars to Grenada for programs to curb the spread of human immunodeficiency...