Ratings for the Second Social Protection Administration Project for Armenia were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was...
People with disabilities represent a significant portion of the global population, and their exclusion from employment and education perpetuates cycles of poverty and inequality, undermining economic development...
Ratings for the Social Assistance Reform Program for Results (PforR) Project for Indonesia were as follows: outcome was unsatisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation...
Ratings of Real Estate Management Project for Serbia were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was substantial. Some of the lessons...
This report establishes a comprehensive cost framework to guide school quality improvements aligned with standardized evaluation criteria. The framework builds upon the Fundamental School Quality Level...
Proučavanje izazova, briga i očekivanja koja prate deinstitucionalizaciju domovima za djecu bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi, djecu s problemima u ponašanju, djecu s teškoće u razvoju, te osobe s mentalnim...
Ovaj prijedlog nacrta Priručnika za strateško planiranje transformacije ustanova socijalne skrbi izradila je Svjetska banka u lipnju 2023. Nalazi, tumačenja i zaključci izneseni u ovom dokumentu ne moraju...
Ovaj izvještaj opisuje akcije koje su poduzete kako bi se podržalo hrvatsko Ministarstvo rada, penzionog sistema, porodice i socijalne politike (MLPSFSP) u operativnom sistemu za praćenje deinstitucionalizacije...
Le Partenariat pour un Gouvernement Ouvert (PGO) est une initiative multilatérale lancée en 2011 pour promouvoir l'ouverture des gouvernements. L'initiative repose sur des principes qui promeuvent la transparence...
This report presents the findings of a mixed methods assessment, drawing from stakeholder consultations and from nationally representative household surveys. It aims to provide a deeper contextual understanding...
This brief focuses on long-term care (LTC) for older persons, emphasizing the areas where social protection and jobs are key to building and strengthening this agenda.2While LTC is sometimes perceived...
Tech-EnableD Disability Inclusive Education (TEDDIE) is an instrument comprising a costing tool and an implementation toolkit to help policymakers estimate the cost of procuring, utilizing, and maintaining...
Tech-EnableD Disability Inclusive Education (TEDDIE) is an instrument comprising a costing tool and an implementation toolkit to help policy makers estimate the cost of procuring, utilizing, and maintaining...
This approach paper provides guidance to World Bank Education Task Team Leaders (TTLs), World Bank staff across sectors, and other stakeholders on how to ensure education sector operations become more...
Stigma powerfully and adversely affects individuals, families, communities, and society, and exists across all countries and cultures. A recent global survey of people with mental health conditions across...