The recognition that economies are embedded within and dependent on nature is growing, with nature itself being seen as an asset to the economy. As the impacts of climate and biodiversity crises become...
El presente reporte se enfoca en analizar el proceso de entrega de las transferencias monetarias de dos programas del IMAS: Avancemos y Atención a Familias. El programa Avancemos tiene como objetivo promover...
The development objective of Eastern Province Jurisdictional Sustainable Landscape Program – Emissions Reduction Project for Zambia is to generate payments to the Program Entity for measured, reported...
The development objective of Sustainable Oasis Ecosystems Management Project for Morocco is to strengthen the sustainable oasis ecosystems management for climate resilience in Aoufouss and Akka Oasis and...
Introducing new data is important as we recognize the limitations of current entrepreneurship ecosystem methodologies, such as a lack in granularity, lack in geographic scope, lack in frequency, and expensive...
Productive natural ecosystems are being lost and degraded by poorly planned and managed commercial and small-scale livelihood activities in Zimbabwe, and threats will be further exacerbated by climate...
Despite increasing recognition of the material impact of nature degradation, the global financing gap for climate and nature investments is significant and growing. The Paulson Institute estimated in...
El Programa de Paisajes Amazónicos Sostenibles (ASL) es un programa de impacto financiado por el Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (FMAM). El ASL reúne a siete países: Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador...
The Amazon sustainable landscapes (ASL) program is an impact program funded by the global environment facility (GEF). The ASL brings together seven countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana...
The Amazon sustainable landscapes (ASL) program is an impact program funded by the global environment facility (GEF). The ASL brings together seven countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana...
The project development objective of the Niger Basin Water Resources Development and Sustainable Ecosystems Management Project of Benin is to achieve a sustainable increase in the productivity of existing...
Financing Ecological and Social Destruction is the product of the International NGO Forum on the World Bank and IMF Lending held in Washington from September 24 to 29, 1989. It represents an amalgamation...