The development objective of the Higher Education Improvement Project for Cambodia are to improve the quality, relevance and equity of education and research at targeted higher education institutions...
Early childhood development (ECD) is a multidimensional process that takes place from conception until age five. These years mark the most important period for an individual's development. In this period...
Ratings for the Education for All Fast-Track Initiative Catalytic Fund Project for Haiti were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, risk to global environment outcome was substantial, Bank...
This third volume of the National Assessment of Educational Achievement series focuses on state-of-the-art procedures that need to be followed in order to ensure that the data (such as test scores and...
This EdStats newsletter includes the following headings: what's new on the Edstats website? Education data on the go: getting to know the Ed-Stats data finder application; the data and FA- VORITES tabs;...