Este documento tiene como propósito analizar de manera integral el desempeño del sistema educativo de Bogotá durante el período 2020-2023, centrándose en la educación oficial en todos sus niveles, así...
The World Bank is by far the largest donor for education in developing countries. It currently manages a portfolio of 180 projects worth US$23.3 billion and accounting for eight percent of total World...
This report is set against a policy environment that promotes the development of inclusive national education systems. In 2018, the international community came together and adopted the Global Compact...
Este pacote de Notas de Políticas Públicas é dirigido à sociedade brasileira e especificamente aos candidatos à presidência e sua equipe econômica na eleição de 2018. Ele apresenta o diagnóstico do Banco...
This package of policy notes is addressed to Brazilian society and specifically to the Presidential candidates and their teams of economic advisors in the 2018 election. It provides the World Bank’s diagnosis...
Early childhood development (ECD) is a multidimensional process that takes place from conception until age five. These years mark the most important period for an individual's development. In this period...
La mejora de la condición, capacidad, gestión y sostenibilidad de la infraestructura educativa permitirá avanzar hacia una educación de calidad para todos. Esto es fundamental por su impacto en la seguridad...
Mejorar la calidad de la educación básica es una medida fundamental para reducir los niveles de pobreza y desigualdad, pues permite que los estudiantes desarrollen las habilidades cognitivas y socioemocionales...
The development objective of the Second Phase of Reaching All Children with Education Support Project for Lebanon aims to contribute to minimize the short and medium-term costs of displacement for refugee...