This paper provides evidence on the nature of financial constraints faced by women entrepreneurs, especially in contexts of stringent social norms. Using micro-data from the World Bank Enterprise Surveys...
The Global Compact on Refugees recognizes the importance of responsibility sharing for hosting, protecting, and assisting refugees, while emphasizing the potential of economic participation to reduce the...
The development objective of Progestão Mato Grosso: Public Sector Management Efficiency Project for Brazil is to improve efficiency in public resource management in selected departments of the State of...
The development objective of Progestão Alagoas: Public Sector Management Efficiency Project for Brazil is to improve efficiency in public resource management in selected departments of the State of Alagoas...
Low levels of agricultural productivity and investment hinder economic growth in developing countries. This paper presents results from a field experiment in Côte d'Ivoire, which randomized wives’ participation...
This report intends to shed light on the international experience with the development of logistics clusters in support of increased competitions in global and regional markets. It will do so through the...
Negotiations on Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) between the European Union and the African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) states were started in 2000 and aim at establishing reciprocal free trade...
This paper examines the effects of rationing import quotas by licenses-on-demand. We analyze the Nash equilibrium for a game where prizes are allocated on a prorated basis and bidding is costless. Factors...
Social fund projects have been highly effective in delivering small-scale infrastructure, but less so in achieving consistently positive and significant improvements in outcomes and welfare impacts. While...
The potential problem of reverse causality has been obvious to everyone. It has usually been met with the standard econometric dodge: using lagged values of slow-moving variables as instruments. But this...
Overall, the assessment of the project was highly unsatisfactory. Various reasons contributed to negative results, among them, prudential banking regulations were strengthened only in theory, since timely...
This press release announces the World Bank has approved a loan of four hundred million US dollars for Argentina to support reforms in the financial sector, and to provide resources for Argentina’s debt...
This press release announces credit from International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank's concessionary lending affiliate, one hundred twenty-five million US dollars for Madagascar to launch...
This press release announces World Bank loan of three hundred million US dollars for Brazil to finance agro-industrial projects through the country's commercial banking system at market interest rates...
The Bank since its inception has been interested in the economic policies and performance of its member countries. Even as it evolved into primarily a project lending institution making loans for specific...