The Mozambique Contingent Emergency Response Project (CERP) is an Investment Project Financing (IPF) through which emergency response expenditures can be financed with funds repurposed through the Rapid...
The Mozambique Contingent Emergency Response Project (CERP) is an Investment Project Financing (IPF) through which emergency response expenditures can be financed with funds repurposed through the Rapid...
This document presents the Sectoral Recovery Capacity Assessment (SRCA), a methodologicalapproach to assess the capacity of key national sectors in Caribbean countries to implement recovery projects in...
The Caribbean region is highly prone to disasters, including hurricanes, earthquakes, droughts, flooding, and landslides. Higher temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, more frequent, intense, and...
Why an Agreed Upon Procedures (AUP) Review? The PEACE in Ukraine project is an emergency response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine; It aims to sustain government capacity to exercise core functions and...
The Partnership for Infrastructure Development Multi-Donor Trust Fund (PID MDTF) provides co-financing for World Bank operations in the West Bank and Gaza (WB&G). During the reporting period (July 1, 2023...
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has shown that public health emergencies can have devastating impacts on health and essential health services, education, inequalities, and economic growth. In fact, many Latin...
The development objective of Emergency Food Security Response Project for Sint Maarten is to ensure in the short-term the supply of: (i) agricultural inputs for farmers to secure the next cropping season...
The Sudan Transition and Recovery Support (STARS) is the lead umbrella trust fund operating in Sudan where political instability culminated in an armed conflict. The military takeover of October 25, 2021...
This paper proposes a framework of voluntary savings schemes (VSS) in Jordan that can complement the current formal sector arrangements to better protect informal workers against economic shocks, unemployment...
يتثمل الهدف الإنمائي للمشروع الطارئ للخدمات الحضرية المتكاملة في اليمن في استعادة إمكانية الوصول إلى الخدمات الحضرية الأساسية في مدن مختارة في الجمهورية اليمنية. ويأتي تمويل المشروع من خلال منحة مقدمة...
The development objective of the Emergency Flood Disaster Reconstruction Project for Vietnam is support the government in overcoming long-term natural disasters through reconstruction of prioritized infrastructures...
The development objective of the Emergency Flood Disaster Reconstruction Project for Vietnam is support the government in overcoming long-term natural disasters through reconstruction of prioritized infrastructures...
The development objective of the Emergency Flood Disaster Reconstruction Project for Vietnam is to support the government in overcoming long-term natural disasters through reconstruction of prioritized...