The Global Challenge Programs (GCPs) are a new initiative that accelerate and scale our public and private sector solutions as one World Bank Group to support client countries to respond to global challenges...
A sound banking crisis management framework is paramount to the financial stability of FinSAC’s client countries, especially during systemic crisis scenarios. This paper discusses the key features of FinSAC’s...
This quick reference guide focuses on Finances one, a product of WBG finance and accounting.
This Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) discusses the financial results of the International Finance Corporation (IFC or the Corporation) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024 (FY24).
The Financial Sector Advisory Center (FinSAC) was established in 2011 as a follow up to the Vienna Initiative to assist countries in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region in dealing with legacy issues...
The World Bank is strengthening its collaboration and partnerships with the rest of the international development community as part of its efforts to become a better and bigger bank and recognizes that...
Years of conflict have deepened the Yemeni economy’s longstanding reliance on cash. The country’s underdeveloped formal banking and financial infrastructure hinders credit intermediation, and most economic...
Credit infrastructure is a critical enabler of a responsible credit system, benefiting both lenders and borrowers while contributing to financial inclusion and stability. It encompasses the set of institutions...
Financial analysis is used to determine an operation’s financial viability from the perspective of the implementing entity (this may not always be the borrowing entity). It focuses on cash inflows and...
Somalia concluded 2023 with international achievements spanning external debt relief, regional economic integration, lifting of arms restrictions, and support for security sector transition. At the same...
This annual report, which covers the period from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, has been prepared by the Executive Directors of both the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and...
IFC’s Responsible Finance diagnostic tool supports institutions in operationalizing responsible finance interventions within their business. The tool provides specific recommendations to design targeted...
The initiative for this guidance paper was launched under the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Presidency of Mexico in 2010, following the interest kindled by the Presidency of the Netherlands. In June...
This press release announces that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has approved 20.7 million US dollars in loan financing and 14.6 million in equity investments for three projects in Morocco...
This press release announces that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has approved loans and equity investments totaling 10 million US dollars for projects in Ghana, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe in 1993...
This press release announces that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has approved investments totaling 25.6 million US dollars for three projects in Turkey in 1993. These include an equity investment...
This press release announces that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has approved loans totaling 3.5 million US dollars for agribusiness projects in Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe, and a...