Celebrating thirty-five years since its founding, in FY23 MIGA issued a record 6.4 billion in new guarantees across forty projects. Through these projects, the Agency remained focused on encouraging private...
Celebrating thirty-five years since its founding, in FY23 MIGA issued a record 6.4 billion in new guarantees across forty projects. Through these projects, the Agency remained focused on encouraging private...
This report analyses the green bond impact reporting practices of emerging markets (EM) financial institutions (FI) issuers. It includes in-depth analysis of issuance, issuers and impact reports and examination...
This evaluation explores how and with what effect the World Bank Group has supported financial inclusion for the microenterprises, poor households, women, and other excluded groups. Financial inclusion...
Gig platforms can use work and earnings data to provide meaningful financial services to underserved gig workers. This brief highlights the experience of two industry pioneers, Moove and Karmalife, that...
Although gig work platforms provide a channel for offering financial services to underserved workers, innovators are realizing that despite their digital skills, the underserved platform-workers segment...
The digital rails created by platforms can be a powerful foundation for offering financial services to underserved gig workers, but ensuring the right environmental conditions around digital payments...
As the world and financial systems are in constant flux, funders need to continuously think about and adapt their roles. Reflecting on who is funding what and where can help funders make informed decisions...
Additionality is a core feature of private sector development finance institutions (DFIs). It is the unique contribution that a DFI or a multilateral/ bilateral bank brings to a private investment project...
International Funders committed an estimated sixty-eight billion for financial inclusion in 2021, with private funding growing more quickly than public funding relative to the previous year, according...
The barriers to women’s financial inclusion are inherently complex and multifaceted, ranging from deep-rooted social norms to regulatory hurdles and supply-side challenges. There is growing recognition...
This report is the fifth Development Policy Financing (DPF) Retrospective. DPF, one of the Bank’s three complementary financing instruments, is non-earmarked budget financing that supports policy and institutional...
Rural development is central to realizing the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda because nearly eighty percent of the world’s poor live in rural areas. Moreover, rural populations have less...
The Chile FSAP has taken place at a critical juncture. Since the previous FSAP, Chile’s well diversified financial sector has deepened and further advances have been made in terms of financial inclusion...
The Multi-Partner Fund (MPF) for Somalia has been the primary source of financing for the World Bank Group’s (WBG) early reengagement in Somalia after more than two decades of disengagement. The MPF was...
This publication shares Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP’s) perspective on how financial services are changing, through a business model lens. In so doing, it attempts to provide an understanding...
Many donors and impact investors today are looking to support new innovations to maximize their development impact. But with fintechs emerging all the time - many touting their potential to improve the...