Factsheet provides an overview of the gender sector in Isle of Man according to key performance indicators.
Factsheet provides an overview of the gender sector in Dominican Republic according to key performance indicators.
Since 1889, McCormick & Company has been considered a global leader in the flavor industry. Based in Maryland, United States, McCormick’s sales span over 170 countries, and the company specializes in manufacturing...
Micronutrient deficiency, or hidden hunger, remains a significant problem affecting more than 2 billion people globally. Consuming a diet that is diverse in agricultural products is a primary way of decreasing...
Gender equality is fundamental to achieving Mongolia’s national development vision and taking advantage of the full potential of its society. Global and regional estimates by McKinsey Global Institute...
This paper presents findings from a qualitative study on gender differentiated impacts of the food and energy price shocks among the poor and vulnerable in Côte d’Ivoire. Increased costs of living – induced...
As Sub-Saharan Africa deals with multiple challenges, including land use conflicts, rapid and often unplanned urbanization, and climate change, there is a need to understand how improved tenure security...
As Sub-Saharan Africa deals with multiple challenges, including land use conflicts, rapid and often unplanned urbanization, and climate change, there is a need to understand how improved tenure security...
As Sub-Saharan Africa deals with multiple challenges, including land use conflicts, rapid and often unplanned urbanization, and climate change, there is a need to understand how improved tenure security...
As Sub-Saharan Africa deals with multiple challenges, including land use conflicts, rapid and often unplanned urbanization, and climate change, there is a need to understand how improved tenure security...
This brief showcases the gender landscape in Korea, Republic of on key indicators helpful for monitoring gender equality and designing effective policy interventions. Gender equality fosters productivity...
An experiment using behavioral sciences significantly increased the number of applications to a natural resource management program from women in harder-to-reach localities, showing that rural women in...
Un experimento que aplicó ciencias del comportamiento logró aumentar de manera significativa el número de aplicaciones a un programa de gestión de recursos naturales de mujeres en localidades de difícil...
Violent conflict between nomadic herders and settled—mostly agricultural—communities in Nigeria occurs as both groups clash over the use of land and resources, in part, due to a changing climate. This...
A number of global trends, such as concurrent rises in incomes and urbanization, are driving the increased consumption of meat, dairy, and biofuels. Meeting the demand for products will require considerable...
A number of global trends, such as concurrent rises in incomes and urbanization, are driving the increased consumption of meat, dairy, and biofuels. Meeting the demand for products will require considerable...
Women farmers produce 30 percent less per hectare than their male counterparts. Among various factors, there are three key drivers of gender gaps in agriculture productivity in Nigeria: women use fewer...
Increasing agricultural productivity and investment is critical to reducing poverty, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, where agriculture remains the dominant income-generating activity. One potential...
Across Sub-Saharan Africa smallholder farmers depend heavily on manual labor supplied by their households, families, and communities, but women are particularly labor constrained. This research paired...
This note is part of a series highlighting the work of the five Gender Innovation Labs (GILs) that constitute the GIL Federation, a World Bank community of practice coordinated by the World Bank Gender...