The development objective of the Boosting Green Finance, Investment and Trade in Rwanda Project is to support reforms aimed at creating a level playing field and mobilizing investment, particularly green...
Ratings of Supporting Transparency, Inclusiveness and the Green Economy Project for West Bank and Gaza were as follows: overall outcome was moderately satisfactory, relevance of prior actions was satisfactory...
This report is part of the support package for Uzbekistan to realize an Inclusive Green Growth Transition. The recent Presidential Decree No. PP-436 02.12.2022 “On measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness...
The First Green and Climate Resilient Development (GCRD) Credit is a significant step by Bangladesh to embrace a future that is both clean, efficient, and prepared for the challenges of climate change...
This report is based on a targeted review of Singapore’s approach to climate change, focusing on how the country drives energy efficiency and reduces GHG emissions in the ICT sector, particularly in data...
Although Indonesia’s economy has diversified over the past decades, natural resource extraction remains a key sector for both the domestic economy as well as international trade. Indonesia’s ability to...
Financial firms seeking to make more green finance available in emerging markets face an array of challenges including regulatory gaps, and poor incentives for local firms to adopt more ambitious climate...
Georgia has growing emissions with a large contribution from businesses. Georgian emissions have significantly increased in the last 15 years, albeit from a low level. Businesses (that is, industry, transport...
This policy note aims to advance the understanding of green jobs in Vietnam and establish a baseline on their prevalence, characteristics, and skills requirements. For the first time, the note identifies...
The development objective of the Green Industry Project for Türkiye is to support an efficient green transformation for industrial firms in Türkiye. The project comprises of four components. The first...
The development objective of Green Action Project is to contribute to improving accountability of relevant Kosovo public institutions in the implementation of the Green agenda. The project is consistent...
El objetivo general del Proyecto fue evaluar los parámetros de seguridad en el uso de hidrógeno verde en la industria minera y desarrollar recomendaciones para los estándares de seguridad. Para lograr...
Poland’s economic development story is one of success: since the early 1990s, the country has transitioned to a market economy, integrated into the European Union economy and global supply chains and sustained...
IFC中国水效融资项目是一 个为应对中国水资源、能源 和环境挑战所设立的集融资 及咨询服务于一体的创新项 目。该项目携手有关各方帮 助工业企业,特别是高耗水 耗能行业的企业,提高能 源、水和其他原材料的综合 利用效率,并改善污水处理 和水循环回用水平。这一项 目通过开发重点行业的示范 项目和动员金融机构的投融 资,来实现在中国推动可持 续水效投资发展的目标。