The development objective of Second Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project is to enhance access to basic services and improve tenure security in urban informal settlements in Kenya. Some of the...
This report has examined options to enable the TB and HIV programs to be sustainable both within the domestic financing envelope and at a level to maintain the considerable accomplishments of both programs...
This press release announces that the World Bank approved on May 18, 2010, sixty-seven million loan to Brazil, in support of the federal AIDS-SUS Project. The project aims to increase prevention, care...
Thailand has made outstanding progress in reversing the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) epidemic. To address this, the Thai government since 2016 has allocated an annual budget of 200-million...
Ukraine experiences one of the most severe HIV epidemics in Europe. An HIV allocative efficiency analysis has been carried out, which revealed that there are several key opportunities to change the course...
For the past decade or so, integration of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) services has received widespread support by international and national health development...
With limited funds available, meeting global health targets requires countries to both mobilize and prioritize their health spending. Within this context, countries have recognized the importance of allocating...
Ratings of HIV and AIDS Technical Assistance Project for Lesotho were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, risk to development outcome was substantial, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory...
Ratings for the Third National human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) Control Project for India were as follows: outcomes were satisfactory, risk to development...
The HIV and AIDS Technical Assistance Project for Lesotho aims at building capacity of government agencies and civil society organizations at both the national and local level to address the identified...
This note summarizes the experience of countries that are decentralizing their national HIV monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems and describes how it can be done. It defines decentralization, discusses...
These recommendations are an outcome of a joint exercise between HNP Hub and South Asia Region HIV program in the World Bank. The exercise included a review of the literature on integration experiments...
As National AIDS Authorities have coordinated the development and operationalization of national HIV M&E systems, we have learned that there are eleven components that make up a functioning national HIV...