This report describes how governments can use digital technologies and data to deliver new, more, better, and seamless health services that people can easily want, access, and rely on. It lays out recommendations...
La Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) desempeña un papel crucialen el sistema de salud de Costa Rica, y en su acción recopila y gestiona una grancantidad de datos relacionados con...
The Global Tax Program Health Taxes Knowledge Note Series focuses on topics linked to implementation of health taxes, or excise taxes on tobacco, alcoholic drinks, and sugar-sweetened beverages. The...
La Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) desempeña un papel crucialen el sistema de salud de Costa Rica, y en su acción recopila y gestiona una grancantidad de datos relacionados con...
The DRC CO High-Frequency Phone Survey (HFPS) calls individuals from the social registry in Eastern DRC that was built up by the Social Protection and Jobs (SPJ) program and managed by Fonds Social...
Financial incentives are a promising approach for HIV prevention. Some studies have shown that financial incentive interventions aimed to promote positive health and social behaviors have mixed or harmful...
Female sex workers are a key population who experience a disproportionately high burden of HIV and sexually transmitted infections. A growing body of evidence suggests that financial incentives can...
Can mass public health messages change behavior during a crisis? I assess the impact of a COVID-19 focused SMS text-messaging campaign launched in May 2020 with the Ministry of Health and Social Protection...
This paper examines the potential distributional effects of a tax increase on processed and ultra-processed foods. Using data from the most recent Brazilian consumption survey (POF 2017/2018), it analyzes ...
This report, which aims to raise awareness, identify gaps, and inform policies, is the first comprehensive report on NCDs in Kosovo. Unlike available studies, the present work explores multiple aspects...
El presente documento recoge los resultados de un estudio mixto, de carácter cualitativo y cuantitativo, sobre cuatro experiencias exitosas en la gestión de la atención de pacientes...
According to World Health Organization (WHO) Noncommunicable Diseases Progress Monitor 2022, 83 percent of deaths in Grenada are from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and there is 23 percent probability...
This report, which aims to raise awareness, identify gaps, and inform policies, is the first comprehensive report on NCDs in Kosovo. Unlike available studies, the present work explores multiple aspects...
2009年以来,中国开展了新一轮目标宏伟的医疗卫生体系改革,在五大领域开展了综合改革举措,包括加快推进基本医疗保障制度建设、健全基层医疗卫生服务体系、促进基本公共卫生服务逐步均等化、实施国家基本药物制度及推进公立医院改革。经过十余载的推进实施,这些改革措施取得了显著成果,同时仍然面临一些挑战。在十三五期间,中国政府进一步深化医改来应对医疗卫生服务体系的挑战,这些改革措施得到了“世行结果导向型贷款中国医疗卫生改革促进项目”的支持(6亿美元,2018-2022年),这也是世界银行在中国和全球支持的首批结果导向型贷款项目之一。在政府整体医改规划下,结果导向型贷款工具选择支持部分医改活动,并将资金的拨付与是否实现具体的规划结果指标相挂钩,而不是像传统的投资项目那样直接为项目投入提供资金支持。世行这一结果导向型贷款项目包括三个重点结果领域, ...
India has the world’s largest burden of Tuberculosis (TB), accounting for 26 percent of the global burden. This policy brief documents India’s TB private sector engagement (PSE) journey...
This report has been prepared by the World Bank, at the request of the MoH, to support ongoing efforts to improve population health and revenue mobilization in the sector. The study estimates the health ...
L'enquête par panel téléphonique à haute fréquence (PETHF) du DRC Crisis Observatory appelle des individus à partir du registre social de l'Est de la RDC qui a été ...
The DRC CO High-Frequency Phone Survey (HFPS) calls individuals from the social registry in Eastern DRC that was built up by the Social Protection and Jobs (SPJ) program and managed by Fonds Social...