The development objective of the Earthquake Recovery and Reconstruction Project for Türkiye is to restore access to essential municipal and health services and resilient housing in selected provinces affected...
The development objective of the Improving Health Care in El Salvador Project for El Salvador is to: (a) improve access to quality healthcare services within a health system based on primary health care;...
The development of objective of the Health System Resilience Project for Philippines is to improve utilization and quality of health services, and enhance health emergency prevention, preparedness and...
In 2021, the Fifteenth Finance Commission (XVFC) recognized the need to unlock the potential of the local governments level in India’s federal health landscape. Unfortunately, there has been a considerable...
Hemen Maternal and Children’s Specialty Medical Center (Hemen) was founded in 2008 by four female physicians to offer high-quality women’s reproductive and children’s healthcare services in Ethiopia. Hemen...
The development objective of the Human Capital Opportunities for Prosperity and Equity: Governance (HOPE-GOV) for Nigeria is support the Federal Republic of Nigeria in strengthening financial and human...
Reliance on public finances with good governance and a robust public financial management (PFM) system is essential for sustained progress towards universal health coverage (UHC). Therefore, it is incumbent...
Il existe peu de données sur l’impact des dépenses directes de santé (DDS) sur l’extrême pauvreté en Guinée. Ces données sont pourtant nécessaires pour prendre des décisions éclairées pour lutter contre...
This Handbook aims to support low and middle-income countries in achieving their identifiedhealth sector priorities within a particular resource setting, by providing practical guidance onmoving toward...
The development objective of Additional Financing to Health System Efficiency and Resilience Project for West Bank and Gaza is to support the Palestinian Authority in improving the resilience and efficiency...
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global health security and development challenge that poses a threat to public health and economic prosperity. It is a challenge that is often overlooked. As antimicrobials...
El estudio incluye 27 recomendaciones que se han agrupado en cinco líneas de acción y, en conjunto con el MINSA, se han priorizado once con base en criterios de factibilidad (recursos necesarios y dificultad...