وتبحث دراسة حياة اللاجئين السوريين (2020-2024) آثار برنامج عشوائي للمساعدة في الإسكان في الأردن على النواتج الاقتصادية للاجئين السوريين المستفيدين من الدعم وترابطهم الاجتماعي مع الجيران الأردنيين، وقد...
On September 11, 2024, the Inspection Panel received a Request for Inspection concerning the Strengthening the National Statistical System in Ecuador Project. The Request claims the World Bank - financed...
International Finance Corporation (IFC) offers a variety of loan products to support house financing needs in emerging markets. Such loan products can be broadly categorized as unsecured loan, secured...
The development objective of Ecuador Inclusive and Resilient Housing and Urban Development Project is to (i) improve access to affordable and resilient housing to low-income segments of the population...
Ratings for the National Affordable Housing Program for Indonesia were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was modest. Some...
The announcement of a new government program can provide immediate increases in subjective well-being as beneficiaries anticipate the benefits to come. However, the actual delivery of government programs...
Územné plánovanie je jedným z najdôležitejších politických nástrojov pre mestský a regionálny rozvoj, ktorého cieľom je uspokojiť potreby obyvateľstva s prihliadnutím na rôzne faktory, ako je udržateľnosť...
Land use planning is one of the most important policy instruments for urban and regional development aiming to meet the needs of the populations while considering various factors such as environmental...
The objective of the Coastal Cities Sustainable Environment Project for Vietnam is to sustain the efficiency of environment investment and strengthen the utility reform agenda concerning sanitation sector...
The development objective of the Affordable Housing Finance Project for Djibouti is to expand access to affordable housing finance for underserved populations in the Recipient’s territory. The project...
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, is committed to supporting the growth in the housing sector. To help realize the full potential of the opportunity in Pakistan’s...
The development objective of the Beirut Housing Rehabilitation and Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) Recovery for Lebanon is to support the rehabilitation of prioritized historical housing for the...
This Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) investigates the potential for greater private sector investment to meet some of these development challenges. At least 600,000 Ugandans enter the labor market...