The Syrian Refugee Life Study (2020-2024) examines the impacts of a randomized housing assistance program in Jordan on both the economic outcomes of Syrian refugee recipients and their social cohesion...
The inability to afford a decent shelter has a detrimental effect on people’s lives, their well-being and productivity, and the broader economy. Given the pervasiveness of the problem on a global scale...
The focus of this paper is on the demand for housing in urban India. Using rental data, the paper finds that income elasticities of housing demand are high and elastic across time. Hedonic pricing regressions...
This report was delivered in month July 2021 under the Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement on the Cluj-Napoca Urban Development Program, concluded between the Municipality of ClujNapoca and the International...
This main report is about Africa that is rapidly urbanizing and will lead the world’s urban growth in the coming decades. Currently, Africa is the least‐urbanized continent, accommodating 11.3 percent...
Ratings for the Housing Sector Technical Assistance loan (HSTAL) Project for Brazil were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, the risk to development outcome was low or negligible, the Bank...