IFC has a longstanding relationship with Israel’s Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economy and Industry. Israel’s Ministry of Economy and Industry contributed close to two million to IFC’s TechEmerge...
The development objective of the Mindanao Inclusive Agriculture Development Project for Philippines is to increase agricultural productivity, resiliency, and access to markets and services of organized...
This third issue of the Mobility and Development periodical unpacks an exciting transport sector narrative through seven articles. The issue explores the challenge and outlook on transport decarbonization...
The Republic of Congo is the third–largest crude oil producer in Sub–Saharan Africa after Nigeria and Angola and is heavily dependent on oil production and oil exports. With a population of 5.5 million...
The creation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) provides a unique opportunity to boost growth, cut poverty, and reduce Africa’s dependence on the boom and-bust commodity cycle. A World...
The proposed CEM performs a comprehensive diagnosis of growth in Togo. As a first step, the team produces a first analysis of Togo's growth challenges at the macro and micro levels. The rapid analysis...
Táto správa poskytuje prehľad zistení a odporúčaní pre Banskobystrický kraj (BBSK) a vybrané sektorové ministerstvá SR v oblasti podpory užšej spolupráce medzi priemyslom a verejnými výskumnými organizáciami...
The development objective of Fostering Productive Innovation Project for Kazakhstan is to promote high-quality, nationally relevant research and commercialization of technologies. This restructuring requires...