This report explores the case for introducing innovative insurance products for businesses within the tourism industry that leverage and conserve coastal and marine ecosystems. It presents an overview...
Hydrometeorological events pose a serious risk for many countries in Latin America. This paper provides details on the work done for Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, including quantified, national-level...
Insurance providers in developing regions rarely offer the hazard insurance familiar to industrialized countries. Developing countries are particularly exposed to weather and catastrophic (CAT) risks such...
El Departamento del Huila como entidad subnacional, dentro de la dinámica de la descentralización administrativa imperante en Colombia, puede manejar intereses y responsabilidades de acuerdo con la Constitución...
The Department of Huila as a subnational entity, within the dynamics of the prevailing administrative decentralization in Colombia, can manage interests and responsibilities in accordance with the Constitution...