The recovery of private sector investments in infrastructure (also called private participation in infrastructure (PPI), which began after the COVID-19 pandemic, has continued into 2022. In total, private...
The employment structure in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs) differs markedly from that in advanced economies, which has implications for adjustment to cyclical conditions. This paper...
Ratings of Health Sector Support Project for Bangladesh were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was substantial. Some...
En dépit de la sécheresse qui a légèrement freiné la croissance globale du PIB à 3.2 %, l’économie marocaine a montré des signes prometteurs en 2024. La croissance du secteur non agricole s’est accélérée...
The Supporting Effective Jobs Lending at Scale (SEJLS) program was piloted between 2020 and 2023 under the Jobs Umbrella Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF). The program was designed to leverage large scale...
Peru’s recent history includes remarkable success. Between 2002 and 2013, Peru grew at 6.1 percent, almost double the regional average. Following key reforms to promote transparency and accountability...
La historia reciente de Perú presenta éxitos notables. Entre 2002 y 2013, el país creció un 6,1 por ciento, casi el doble del promedio regional. Luego de reformas clave para promover la transparencia y...
This study analyzes the direct effects and local spillovers of a low-cost multifaceted economic inclusion program through a randomized controlled trial in Chad. The intervention included group savings...
At 24.4 percent, Pakistan’s female labor force participation rate is among the world’s lowest. Female labor force participation is critical to promoting gender equality, development, and inclusive growth...
The new political context emerging from the May 2024 elections provides a unique opportunity for South Africa. The alignment of economic and political incentives, in the sense that improving the economy...
Este relatório apresenta os resultados de um estudo para analisar os indicadores de IHC da Guiné-Bissau e a sua políticas de capital humano em três setores - saúde, educação e proteção social. O relatório...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significant potential to help drive economic development and poverty reduction in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). It can transform societies and help foster resilient...
Who is this note for? This Guidance note is for World Bank TTLs and Social Protection practitioners to carry out country level diagnostic assessments of Parental Benefits using a ‘Parental Benefits Framework’...
Dear colleagues, The Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy, among other things, collects data, monitors the implementation and reports on the implementation of the process of deinstitutionalization...
Ovaj dokument izrađen je u sklopu savjetodavnih usluga koje Svjetska banka pruža Ministarstvu rada, mirovinskoga sustava, obitelji i socijalne politike (MROSP), a kojima se želi pružiti podrška pri izradi...
What we studied and why? Research has consistently shown that removing gender barriers unlocks economic productivity, reduces poverty, deepens social cohesion, and enhances well-being for current and future...
Ratings for the Second Social Protection Administration Project for Armenia were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was...
Madagascar’s economy is recovering but remains uneven. Growth is estimated at 4.2 percent in 2024. Several sectors in the economy have yet to return to their pre-2020 output levels. The services sector...
The development objective of Civil Service Modernization Project for Philippines is to improve the efficiency and the quality of human resource and payroll management in selected national government agencies...