This report aims to highlight opportunities for developing ecosystem-linked insurance - that is, insurance that integrates the effect of ecosystems in products covering coastal hazards. These products...
This report explores the case for introducing innovative insurance products for businesses within the tourism industry that leverage and conserve coastal and marine ecosystems. It presents an overview...
The expansion of marine protected areas (MPAs) is a core focus of global conservation efforts, with the “30x30” initiative to protect 30% of the ocean by 2030 serving as a prominent example of this trend...
As Bangladesh’s economy grows and the country becomes rapidly urbanized, plastic pollution has become an escalating problem. Moving forward, the Government of Bangladesh aims for sustainable development...
The development objective of the Marine Fisheries and Socio-Economic Development Project for Kenya is to improve the management of priority fisheries and mariculture and increase access to complementary...
The development objective of the Marine Fisheries and Socio-Economic Development Project for Kenya is to improve the management of priority fisheries and mariculture and increase access to complementary...
The development objective of the Marine Fisheries and Socio-Economic Development Project for Kenya is to improve the management of priority fisheries and mariculture and increase access to complementary...
Building on the World Bank’s Blue Economy approach, which calls for the sustainable and integrated development of economic sectors in a healthy ocean, this report presents lessons learned from expanding...
Aquaculture has not yet been included in the renewable natural capital accounts of the World Bank’s The Changing Wealth of Nations (CWON). This study explored the feasibility of including the wealth generated...
Setting up a Port Community System (PCS) has the potential to transform the effectiveness and efficiency of a port. It can cut costs, increase efficiency, and close the digital divide between large and...
Blue Carbon ecosystems, as powerful carbon sinks, can play a vital role in this change by supporting economies, jobs, and livelihoods. For these reasons, the World Bank Group prepared the flagship report...
Blue Carbon encompasses the carbon stored in coastal and marine ecosystems, including mangroves, salt marshes, seagrass meadows, macroalgae (such as kelp), and benthic sediments, recognized for providing...
A legal and regulatory framework is crucial for implementing a Port Community System (PCS) to ensure standardized data exchange, protect stakeholders’ interests, and maintain security and privacy. Additionally...
The Jamaica PCS solution is a modern technology platform started in 2016. One of its key features includes the strategic decision made by the Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ) to move towards the cloud...
The Project’s largest investment is in the breakwater. The breakwater (sub-component 1a) is planned on an existing sandbar, which already in itself provides protection for the proposed port operations...