En este reporte se documenta la aplicación subnacional de la herramienta de Análisis de Políticas de Competencia y Mercados (MCPAT, por sus siglas en inglés) del GBM, en la región de Piura (Perú). El MCPAT...
Consumer advisory panels are a tool that a market conduct supervisor (MCS) and other authorities use to elevate the collective voice of consumers in financial sector regulation and supervision. For this...
The internationalization of China’s equity markets started in the early 2000s but accelerated after 2012, when Chinese firms’ shares listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen gradually became available to international...
This study examines the impact of bilateral air service agreements on air passenger transport in Africa and quantifies the consumer welfare effects associated with air transport liberalization. Using an...
Chile has long had a strong private sector that has enjoyed an accommodating and supportive policy environment. The imperative of building a green, knowledge-based, inclusive economy will inevitably continue...
L’économie ivoirienne doit maintenir sa dynamique de croissance. Au cours de la dernière décennie, la Côte d’Ivoire a connu une croissance impressionnante. Toutefois, pour atteindre son objectif ambitieux...
The Ivorian economy needs to sustain its growth momentum. During the last decade, Côte d’Ivoire’s growth performance has been impressive. To achieve its ambitious goal of reaching emerging market status...
L’économie ivoirienne doit maintenir sa dynamique de croissance. Au cours de la dernière décennie, la Côte d’Ivoire a connu une croissance impressionnante. Toutefois, pour atteindre son objectif ambitieux...
This news release, dated May 25, 2005, announces thirty-one environmental entrepreneurs from around the world walked away with nearly United States (U.S.) 4 million dollars in grants from the World Bank’s...
The oilseed crushing industry in India faces significant challenges related to price instability, crushing margins, and the lack of access to modern risk management tools. The industry operates in a highly...