Un diagnostic de l’inclusion financière en Guinée a été réalisé en 2018 dans le cadre d’un assistance technique financée par le fonds fiduciaire FIRST. Le diagnostic propose les axes principaux pour le...
The global payment systems survey (GPSS) was launched for the first time in 2007. This tool has assisted authorities and policy makers worldwide in making meaningful cross-country comparisons and assess...
Financial inclusion is a key enabler to reducing poverty and increasing shared prosperity. In Mozambique, despite considerable efforts to promote financial inclusion, less than half the population in 2016...
Over the last few years, however, certain parts of Africa have experienced remarkable advances in financial inclusion using digital financial services (DFS), which leverage information and communication...
Over the last few years, however, certain parts of Africa have experienced remarkable advances in financial inclusion using digital financial services (DFS), which leverage information and communication...
The government of the Philippines has identified three overarching goals in managing the financial effects of natural disasters: To maintain sound fiscal health at the national government level, necessary...
The development objective of the SEE Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility TA SECO Project for Western Balkans is two-fold: (i) to scale up access of homeowners, farmers, the enterprisesector and government...
In India, healthcare financing largely relies on direct out-of-pocket spending, which causes immense health-related financial burdens for the poor. Despite recent efforts by the government and the private...
This brief talks about the natural catastrophe and weather index insurance in Haiti. Haiti is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world with earthquakes, hurricanes and flashfloods. MiCRO is...
In Mozambique, agriculture accounts for approximately 32 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and involves over 81 percent of the population. Yet, only a fraction of Mozambique’s potentially arable...
Easy Paisa of Pakistan uses 75,000 agents and 6,000 plus 1-link enabled automated teller machines (ATMs) to facilitate 1.2 million Benazir income support payments (BISP) to poor women every quarter. Utilizing...
This activity snapshop brief promoting innovation in agricultural insurance in South Asia with the World Bank Group’s Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF), in collaboration with the International Labor...
This brief contains information about the Country Haiti. Haiti is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world with earthquakes, hurricanes and flash floods. The breif has following information...
This brief talks about Millicom, financed by IFC is a leading international telecommunications and media company dedicated to emerging markets in Latin America and Africa. Millicom sets the pace when it...
The Rashtriya Swasthiya Bima Yojna (RSBY), Government of India’s national health insurance scheme, was launched in April 2008 with the objective of protecting poor households from the financial burden...
Senegal is implementing a Disaster Risk Management (DRM) framework and has established a public private agriculture insurance company. Rules, responsibilities and operational procedures need clarification...
Bangladesh has a comprehensive Disaster Management plan, but details on the implementation and sufficiency of funding should be clarified. Strengthening financial disclosure could encourage greater engagement...
Kenya has well-established insurance and banking sectors, both of which have demonstrated high levels of capacity through strong profit margins over time. There is high insurance penetration (compared...
Donors could assist in clarifying the role, building the capacity, and potentially helping to secure funding of key disaster risk management organizations in Ghana. Engagement in Ghana to develop private...